As millions of people are sheltered at home, restaurants and places of business closed or provided limited services, rats and mice migrated to neighborhoods to find an easy food source.  These rodents are in survival mode and they are invading your yards and your home looking for a free and easy meal.  This is occurring all over the United States.

It is your responsibility to control rats and rodents around your home, so you are going to have to play defense to eliminate food sources for these pests.  Keep your trash containers closed tightly and identify and remove any other outside source of food.  You can purchase bait boxes from your local home store.  Place these boxes around your foundation and in your bed areas.  You will need to keep adding bait regularly for control.  Wear disposable gloves when handling boxes and baits to protect yourself from any disease carried by these rodents.  Read instructions and make sure the treatment you use will not affect small animals.  It is best to use bait boxes outside of areas where your pets will be.

If your problem is severe or if they have invaded the inside of your home, I recommend a professional pest control operator to help with control and removal.  They know how to trace entry points and how to control rodents without a smell of decay.

Good luck!  You are not alone.  We are all fighting this problem.