A question that often arises is why Bermudagrass was selected as the turf for the HOA yards in this community. The main reasons are that Bermudagrass is the most drought tolerant turf for the Texas heat and it is resilient during periods of water rationing. This grass can turn brown and appear to be dead from a lack of water and it will fully recover. If for some reason extreme water rationing is activated and watering is only allowed one time every two weeks, Bermudagrass will survive and recover.
Bermudagrass is a fine textured grass that contributes to its drought tolerance. It can recover quickly because of its growing characteristics. This grass loves full sun and hot Texas heat. It spreads above ground with runners called stolons and below ground with rhizomes. It is a deeply rooted grass. These characteristics enhance recovery. Sports fields plant this grass because it can also recover quickly from high foot traffic. Bermudagrass has low disease potential and it requires less water than St. Augustinegrass and Zoysiagrass. Both St. Augustinegrass and Zoysiagrass usually have only spotty recovery if they turn brown and they are more likely to have disease and insect problems.
Summing it up, Bermudagrass is simply the best grass for the heat, drought conditions, recovery, lack of insect and disease problems and foot traffic from your kids and pets. And it is a beautiful turf for your yard.